Saturday, March 6, 2010


We ended up seeing the 2pm showing of Alice in Wonderland. Go see it now!!!!!!! It was amazing! Even Jon liked it! The world they created was awesome and it was just fantastic all around, I can't even describe!! LOVED IT! LOVE!

We had dinner at the Hardwick house, where my soon-to-be-father in law made us some delectable ribs. Yum. Oh yum. My soon-to-be-mother in law made some really delicious casserole side dishes as well. Then we played Partini. Such a fun game! Then we headed over to David's house for a bit and played some video games. Now we are home and Dustin and Amber are coming over! Yipee! Funtimes, funtimes indeed. It was absolutely gorgeous here today! The sun was out, it was nice and warm, and the birds were singing! I am so glad that spring finally seems to be here. Tomorrow we have a cook out at Jon's Dad's house, so I haven't had to cook much this weekend. with the shopping hiatus going quite well, I don't have any new purchases to post. This hiatus is hard! Now I will take my leave. Night all!

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