Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Happy st paddy's day! Did you wear your green? Another mini holiday history lesson! Per Wikipedia, "It is named after Saint Patrick (circa AD 387–461), the most commonly recognized of the patron saints of Ireland. It began as a purely Catholic holiday and became an official feast day in the early 1600s. However, it has gradually become more of a secular celebration of Ireland's culture." A few factoids:
1. Indianapolis dyes its main canal green
2. Originally the color associated with Saint Patrick was blue
3. The shortest St Patrick's Day parade in the world takes place in Dripsey, Cork and lasts just 100 yards and travels between the village's two pubs.

In other news, there is still no sign of my tax return. I've never mailed one in before, so I have no idea how long it takes for them to come back. I hate the waiting! At least I am having it direct deposited, so once they process it, I don't have to wait for the check. 3 1/2 weeks and counting. Hurry up IRS, I want to buy my central air...and wedding dress!

I am rereading Bridge Jones Diary an Bridget Jones the Edge of Reason. Love them! I pick them up about once (or twice) a year and reread them. It never gets old.
New moon comes out at midnight on Friday! Sadly, I won't be able to pick it up until Sunday at the earliest. We are going to meet with the pastor for the wedding for the first time on Saturday. I am a bit nervous about this, seeing as Jon is an atheist and we don't know the pastor's stance on that. Hm...must stop worrying before get premature age lines!

In the words of Tigger, "Tata for now!"

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