Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Things I'm Lovin' Today!

The New Moon Soundtrack. Even if you aren't a New Moon fan, you have to check it out! It's just a fantastic compilation of artists. I have been listening to it practically non stop in my car. Just listen to it and you will fall in love!

I discovered Poladroid! I am probably the last person in the world to find this, but I am loving it! I so miss Polaroids. There is just something magical about them. Poladroid isn't quite as magical, but I still love it! Here is my first one!

My cat Topeka is too cute! As I sit here typing, he is laying next to the computer staring at my fingers! I think he's waiting for them to find their way to his chin to give him a scratch! I love listening to him purr!
I reeeeaaaalllly want all the costumes Alice wore in Alice in Wonderland. They were so beautiful! Sigh. If only I had the bod to pull them off.

I DROOL over this book!!! I have Alice several times over but this one is so beautiful! drooooooool

I have a serious hankerin' for this movie:

I love any movie that takes you to a whole new world of fantastickness. Yup, just made that word up!

Gilligan's Island. I've been watching this a lot lately. I can't believe they're going to make a movie out of this. It's just depressing! Don't they know you can't remake greatness!

And of course, the thing I love every day, The Golden Girls. Sigh. What would I do without these ladies? My dream of meeting them all may be a distant memory, (RIP Bea and Estelle! (Yes, we are on a first name basis!)), but I'll never stop loving these ladies!

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