Friday, March 26, 2010

Days off are amazing

Today was tons of fun! Jon and I both had the day off, plus Josh was here b/c he's on spring break! We actually got quite a bit accomplished. This morning, we ran to Walmart to do our grocery shopping. While there, I got my oil changed, tires rotated, and a tire repaired. Once we got back, we built a blanket fort! You better believe I got pictures, but of course b/c of my crappy usb port, I can't upload them. We actually ate lunch and watched the Goonies in the fort. It was a lot of fun! Then, we cleaned the house and did laundry (actually I'm still doing laundry. Sigh, it's never ending). Jon also cleaned up the backyard b/c we had some junk out there from when the kitchen flooded. I still have to clean the bathroom and mop the kitchen floor, but that's it! I think I'll tackle those tomorrow morning. Now, we're playing Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door on the Gamecube. It's really time consuming, but really funny as well. I think we're going to watch Jurassic Park tonight, then.....the Easter Bunny comes! You see, Josh gets special visits from Santa and The Easter Bunny since he has two houses! They always come to our house earlier since that is when he is here, and we found out that the Easter Bunny is coming tonight (cause Jon and I have his phone number see, so we called to see when he would be stopping by)! Tomorrow, we have family coming to see the house (hence the deep clean). Well, that was pretty much a post about what we did today. Sheesh, I'm getting boring! I need my ability to upload...and shop! Next week my 30 day shopping hiatus is over! Woop! Plus, I think Jon may let me take him shopping for jeans since most of his have holes in them now! So expect a fashion post coming soon. I made stroganauff (sp?) tonight, so here is a recipe for you. I made several changes to this, they are in parentheses.

WARNING: There is absolutely nothing good for you in this recipe! I only make it once in a blue moon b/c it is really bad for you! But oh so good. It is a special meal in our house.
1 can cream of mushroom soup (I used 2, 98% fat free work fine)
1 cup sour cream
1 lb hamburger
1 can mushrooms (I use a big can b/c we love mushrooms)
1/4 cup butter (I used a whole stick)
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 tbsp flour (mine were heaping)
salt, pepper, and garlic salt (or minced garlic, whichever you prefer) to taste

In a large skillet, cook meat and onions in butter until meat is brown. Stir in flour, salt, garlic, pepper, and mushrooms. Cook 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Stir in soup (I added about a cup of milk at this step to make it thinner). Heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 15 minutes. Stir in sour cream and heat through. Serve over egg noodles or biscuits.

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