Thursday, March 11, 2010

don't forget to turn your clocks ahead

I’m just feeling very blah today. Plus my computer is total crap. Hence my posting from work. By the way, just a reminder that we have to turn our clocks ahead an hour this weekend for daylight savings time. I hate this. I don't care to lose an hour of my precious weekend. Boo.

I love the smell of the first couple warm days after a long cold winter. They hold so much promise. Not that we don’t usually deal with more cold weather, but you know it’s almost over and there’s sunshine in your future.

My friend’s daughter has to go back in for surgery in May, so please keep them in your thoughts and/or prayers, whichever way you swing. They need all the support they can get.

I realized that I haven’t posted a recipe in quite a while, but never fear. This weekend I plan to attempt, for the very first time, to fry fish. Gah! What am I thinking? Success or fail, I will make sure to post about it.

The wedding is a mere 6 months and 1 week away. Sigh. I really should feel more motivated about it. I did see a cute idea that I’m think I’m going to use. Since we don’t have fancy centerpieces, I think I’m gong to get 2 big bottles per table that have corks in them. Then, I am going to put pieces of paper and pens around them. I’ll put a sign against the bottles that says, “Messages in a bottle. Please put your words of wisdom about marriage on paper and put them in the bottle for the happy couple.” Cute and assists the centerpiece debacle! I have NO IDEA what I want to do for my bouquet. And I still haven’t looked at dresses. Where does the time go? I’m waiting till be get my tax refund back so I have some extra money, then dress a-shopping we will go. Maybe once we meet with the pastor next weekend, I’ll start to get my butt in gear.

I am 9 days into my shopping hiatus so far so good. Although, my list of things to buy on April 1st is growing to an alarming size. I will have to revisit it and go with only things I need. Such as the adorable skinny leg work pants at Old Navy. Yep, those I need.

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