Saturday, March 13, 2010

Free Saturday's rock!

We finally got some stuff done around the house today! We cleaned out 1/2 of the garage, pulled out and cleaned under the stove, did an ungodly amount of laundry, and cleaned up the bedroom! Later, we are going to put in the new stove. I'm so excited! I can bake without setting off the smoke alarm!!!!!!! Woot!

Josh's team lost their game last night, so the season is finally over. Phew! That was a long couple of months. It feels weird today that we have a whole Saturday to do whatever we want! However, he surprised the heck out of us last night by saying that he's decided he wants to play again next year! Seems it took him to the last 2 games to decide he liked it.

In other exciting news, last night, Jon ate alfredo pasta....and didn't get sick! I think that he isn't really lactose intolerant! Maybe it was just this stomach infection the whole time! I may be able to cook with cheese again!!!!!! Tonight, I'm trying the aforementioned fish. I'm nervous, but hopefully it will turn out!

I'm very excited b/c next Friday our friends Dan and Rachel are coming to visit! Double woot! Hopefully, Dustin and Amber will come too! Our official house warming party! I have to think what I'm going to make!

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