Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Ohmigoodness! I may or may not be hosting Easter for Jon's family in 2 weeks! I'm excited! If we do get to host, it will be our first family holiday to host! Excitement! Oooh, I have to come up with a menu! I'm thinking the following:
a ham, made in the crockpot with brown sugar.
green bean casserole
corn casserole
braised cabbage
mac and cheese
some sort of Easter dessert....but what?

Did anyone else want to wear every single one of the dresses Alice wore in Alice in Wonderland?!?!?! Love them! Want them! Need them!

I dropped and broke a pie plate on my foot. My big toe really hurts.

I want some of Cadbury eggs and cupcakes! Yum.

{images via we heart it}

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