Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fish Fry

Woohoo! I fried fish and it was a success! Josh had never had real fish before (just fish sticks) so I wondered if he would like it. Real fish is very different than fish sticks! Both he and Jon loved it! So did I for that matter! I have no idea where I got this recipe, but it's title is Long John Silver Fish Batter. I don't think it tasted like Long John's, but it was tasty! I did add pepper to the original recipe for a bit more flavor. This batter was crispy on the outside, but still nice and moist on the inside. (side note: I HATE the word moist, but it is really the only way to describe this)

Sarah's Fried Fish

3 cod fillets, cut into chunks
3/4 cup flour
2 tbsp cornstarch
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
pepper to taste
3/4 cup water

Mix all the dry ingredients together. Add water. (I had to add a bit of water as I went b/c this batter is quite thick!) Heat vegetable oil in small pot. Once heated, coat fish in batter and drop in. Cook until deep golden brown. (I knew mine were done b/c they stopped bubbling a lot. Still a few bubbles, but not many.) Place fish on paper towel to dry. I cooked my fish in batches b/c I wanted to use a small pan. Also, it allowed it to cool enough that we could eat the first couple of batches while the others cooled. FYI: My guys were full after only a few chunks of this fish and a few tator tots. It is very filling!

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