Tuesday, March 23, 2010

my mind at work

I had an idea to blog everything I thought about today at work, so I opened up word and typed away all day. Here are my thoughts.

Woop woop! Per the irs website, they have rec’d my refund and are processing it! Yes! I can’t wait to see that money in my bank acct, not that it will be staying. We are using it to put central air in our house and to buy wedding stuff (mainly my dress). But at least I will not boil once the weather gets hot! And I won’t be naked on my wedding day! Hehe, that could go in a bad direction, hehe. I am so a 12 year old boy at heart!
Anywho, if there is any leftover monies, I think I may get a new computer. My current one is just on the verge of crapping out completely (since most of its functions no longer work anyway! Stupid usb port). I don’t need anything fancy, just a basic laptop, so hopefully jon can help me find something cheap and in working condition. Le sigh. We shall see. Hmm. I seem to be saying that a lot lately. I need a new phrase!
Work work work
I don’t want my blueberry special k cereal for lunch. I really don’t. I want actual food. Real life will fill you up food. Hmm..panda express is right across the road. So is which which. But no, I must remain strong!
I am excited about this weekend b/c if is a Joshie weekend! Actually, he is on spring break, so Jon will be picking him up tonight, and he stays with us until Sunday! I have taken Friday off to watch him, and I plan on fort building in the living room people! (seriously when is the last time you did this? Blanket forts are so much fun! Go ahead, make one, I won’t tell) Hmm… and perhaps watch The Goonies while in said fort. Sounds like funtimes to me! I will take pictures, though sadly they won’t be posted (stupid usb port) can anyone tell I hate my usb port! It has halted so many projects!!!! Grrrrr. Perhaps I can scare it by growling at it. Or not.
How did it get to be march? Almost april!!!!! Where is this year going? I was just celebrating new years yesterday! Sigh. Why does time go so much faster the older you get. When you’re young you want time to speed up. What is the magic age that you realize time is flying by and you want it to slow down? Soon, I’ll be doing a blog about my 2010 year and ringing in 2011! Time really needs to slow down so I can enjoy it!
Work work work
I think this teeth whitening business may have been a bad idea. You see, I can’t have coffee, tea, dark sodas, basically any dark beverage, i.e. no caffeine. I have a big headache, and I want a big juicy diet coke. But I can’t have it.
Screw remaining strong, I want some panda express damnit!
Hmmm. I have a lot of split ends. And this work is really boring. I want to not be here. Whoa bad grammar!
Wohoo, just remember we’re coloring easter eggs this weekend! Yes!
Work work work
Fine, I’ll be good and eat the nasty blueberry. I miss you panda express (or really any Chinese takeout food.). 
Just discovered this blog http://getthewordsout.blogspot.com/ check it out
Jon really needs to decide on a song for his mother/son dance at the wedding.
I really love owls. I really do.
Ooh, I love cherry blossoms. I need to visit Washington. I wonder if you can grow one of those trees here…
I think I may try my hand at making headbands
Oh I need to catch up on my srapbooking and picture printing…and taking!
Gah! It’s only 1pm. (wimper)
My energy level just dropped to the negatives. So tired.
I wonder who named the days of the week. I should probably know that.
How is it only 2pm…how?!?!?!?!?!? Slowest day evah!
Work work work
I caved and got some chips from the vending machine. My stomach needs food…or fatty treats. Either way…
Oooohh but they are so good. (cheddar and sour cream, in case you were wondering)
Walter is an awesome name
If I ever see sc 005 or sc 010 again, I may kill someone
Ooh just got my second wind.
Well that was short lived.
I’m out for the day. Off to target to replace the rug that got ruined in the great kitchen flood of 2010. hope you enjoyed a day in my work brain!

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