Wednesday, March 31, 2010

the last day of march

Holy monkeys, tomorrow is April! How did that happen? It feels like I was just ringing in 2010 yesterday, now I’m suddenly 3 months in? Whew, this year is flying! I wish time would slow down so I can enjoy it. I think part of the problem is that I LIVE for my weekends. That’s the only time I get to see Jon. I guess all that time spent wishing my weeks away finally paid off. My wish came true. Now I wish it hadn’t. Hehe, reverse wish! Anywho, a lady who is inspiring me right now is Zooey Deschanel. She is one of my favorite fashion inspirations. I love her in anything I’ve ever seen her in. She has a band with M Ward, She and Him. Check it out they are amazing! I need to get their albums! She does everything! Have you seen her cotton commercial?!?! Sigh. So here are some pictures of the lovely Zooey Deschanel, may she inspire you also.

By the way, you should write someone a letter. Not an email, but a handwritten letter. Everyone loves to get mail. We are inundated with emails everyday, and lets face it, there is nothing special about getting an email. Now picture getting home, checking you mail, and finding a hand written letter. Or even a card with a handwritten note in it. Would that not make your day? It would make mine! So give up the tech for just a wee bit and write someone an old fashioned letter. Bonus points if it is a love letter! Remind someone you care about them by taking the time to write them a letter. I am going to write my grandma one…and jon…and my parents. Go! Do it now! Maybe you’ll get one in return!

Oh and a random thought for the day, anyone else wish they could have seen Garth Brooks back in the day? I hear his concerts were legendary!

“…or moments you want to remember forever. Just add some fairy lights and make the world a little bit brighter” –

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