Sunday, March 28, 2010

Chicken Meatball Soup

I made this soup for lunch today and realized I have never posted the recipe. I don't know why I haven't posted this yet. Jon loves this soup and it is a staple in my recipe arsenal. It is a variation of chicken noodle soup and it's super easy to make. Once again, it's one I make up, so I don't have exact measurements, but I will do my best. I apologize for the lack of picture, but I still don't have a way to upload photos.

Chicken Meatball Soup
1 lb ground chicken
1 cup bread crumbs
2 tsp season salt
2 cups frozen mixed veggies
1/2 head cabbage, chopped
2 quarts chicken stock
pepper and garlic salt to taste

Pour stock in a big pot and set heat to medium/high. Mix chicken, bread crumbs, and season salt. Form meatballs and drop into stock. Bring to a boil. Add cabbage and reduce heat. Simmer until meatballs and cabbage are done. Add noodles, mixed veggies, pepper and garlic salt. Cook until noodles and veggies are tender.

This soup can cook for quite a while before you add the noodles, so don't worry if it simmers for a while. My magic ingredient in this soup is the Rachel Ray Chicken Stock. I love her stock!!!! I literally buy it by the case! I don't know what I will do if it is discontinued. This soup (or really any soup I make) just isn't the same without it!

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