Friday, March 19, 2010


Here is a fun thing i found on It's fill in the blank friday! Here is mine.

1. Today I am wearing my new hankey looking navy blueish dress from Target over grey skinny jeans, with my new navy blue faux velvet flats! (and a cardigan while at work b/c it is freezing in here!)

2. My favorite childhood food was mushrooms and my favorite food now is mushrooms. Its always been mushrooms for me. I’ll eat them strait out of a can!

3. A day that I am too busy to talk to Jon on the phone is a day that I am too busy.

4. The last movie I saw was Alice in Wonderland and the next movie I want to see is Alice in Wonderland! I really want to see it again .

5. My favorite smell is peonies because, they smell sweet without being to sweet and they scream spring!

6. A weird little quirk I have is hmmm this is a tough one, I have so many! I suppose I will pick watching the side of the road when I am a passenger in the car. I have to watch the place where the road meets the grass/gravel/etc. I know weird!

7. When I take personality quizzes they always say I'm the balance one. I am always the middle ground in quizzes.

In other news, my favorite people in the world are going to be at my house tonight (shout out to dustin, amber, dan, and rachel). Woop woop!

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