Monday, March 8, 2010

An Ettiquette Lesson of Sorts

Woop woop! I got my second comment! And another woop woop!

In other news (I say that a lot huh?), it was warm again today!!!! I really hope this weather sticks around! Or it could get warmer!!! I'll settle for either of those. (pfsh, right settle. I'm begging mother nature to keep it above 50 degrees).

And now I'd like to say a few words about ladies room etiquette. It seems that way to many people have forgotten the basics.
1. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT use your phone in the bathroom! I do not want to hear about your life whilst trying to pee. Break rooms are there for a reason. Use them.
2. If you happen to make a mess, clean it up! How hard is that?! Wipe down the toilet seat ladies!
3. DO NOT LINGER! If you enter the bathroom, and there is clearly a person in distress, do not take 5 minutes to wash your hands. Do not brush your teeth, do your hair, apply makeup, or otherwise prolong you time in said bathroom. Take pity on the poor soul waiting, sometimes painfully, for you to leave. Someday, you will have a bathroom emergency and you had better hope someone like you doesn't enter the bathroom at an inopportune moment.
4. Never ever turn down a lady who needs a feminine product if you have an extra.

Karma, my friend, karma. Bathroom karma. It will come back around to bite you in the butt.

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