Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ramble, Ramble

Today, I saw a man scratching his head with a spork. True story. Just driving around scratching his head...with a spork. Sigh. I love people. In other news, I got a new necklace! My wonderfully talented friend Maria made it for me! Love it! Unfortunately, my computer chose today to crap out on my USB drive, so I can't load my pictures onto my computer, so I don't have a picture. Once I have access to a computer with a working USB drive, I will post them.

I've decided to list the celebrities that inspire my fashion sense. This isn't all inclusive, just who's been on my fashion mind as of late.
Jennifer Aniston
Keri Russell
Leighton Meester...and her character Blair Waldorf
Rachel Bilson
Audrey Hepburn
Lauren Conrad
Nicole Richie

As you can see, I like variety in my inspirations, as in my wardrobe! In other news, I have been converting all my dad's slides to digital pictures. This is an extrememly long and tedious project, but so worth it to preserve those old pictures! It's actually fund seeing all the old photos of my family. Wanna see baby Sarah? Here I am!

Wasn't I a cutie? Of course, now that my craptastic USB drive has crapped out, I am in a lull with converting these. Dash it all! Stupid computer. (grumble, grumble)

And now, I have an announcement. As of midnight last night, I am officially on a 30 day shopping hiatus. Which means...no Target! (runs screaming in terror) I just can't be trusted in Target not to shop, so I must not go. Unless we go to register, which is a whole other situation, as I won't actually be buying anything. Anyways, I notice that I have been shopping a lot lately, and since the soon to be hubs and I are on a budget, I must be stopped! I am only allowed to buy necessities. i will just have to get creative when I want to decorate the house, and as for clothes, I think this will give me a good chance to make new/old outfits! And, since I never watched Sex and the City, I just might watch it to get a fashion fix. Wish me luck!

"Insist on yourself. Never imitate." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 comment:

  1. Love that picture! No offense, but the background really makes the pic. Not that baby Sarah isn't cute as a button... :)
