Sunday, March 7, 2010

Oh what a wonderful moooorniiiing!

Well, I guess it's afternoon technically! Hello lovey people of the interwebz! I had such a great day yesterday! And last night Dustin and Amber came over which was the icing on the cake! They stayed until 2:30am! Do you know how long it's been since I stayed up that late!?!?! A loooong time! It was so nice to spend some time with them! Today, we slept late, then showered and lazed about for an hour. Now we are off to the gas station and Home Depot. I am getting staples for my staple gun! Yippee! Projects here I come! Then we have a cookout at Jon's dad's house. Then sadly, I will have to go back to Indy for the week. :( Sad times indeed. But for the moment I am super happy! I get to spend the next several hours with my honey! Woot!

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