Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Night Ramblings

I'm finally chilling at home with my honey! We had fajitas for dinner and we played scrabble! I won!

Some food for thought:

Bob Dylan is amazing.
I am going to reread Bridget Jones Diary next week.
I love owls.
I need to reread the Harry Potter series.
Jon won't play chess with pieces that aren't traditional chess pieces.
I made chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. They aren't very good.
I love Jon more than anything.
I am drying out my roses from last week to make into a permanent decoration.
Jon is now playing Bioshock. It's a pretty cool game.
I get to play with a staple gun this weekend and into next week. (tee hee)
On April 1st, with my 30 day hiatus up, I am buying some skinny work pants from Old Navy and a couple of necklaces.
We need hand soap.
I am HATE clowns! (And porcelain dolls, spiders, and most creepy crawlies (shudder))
My soon to be father-in law is making me ribs this weekend. My other soon to be father-in-law has invited us for a cook out this weekend.
It is supposed to be in the high 40's low 50's this weekend. Woot for warmer weather!
I am very tired. I think I'll throw in the towel and go to bed early.

Good Night!

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