Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday Rambles...I do that a lot

Today was nice. Mom, Dad, Kelly, Blake, Abby, Olivia, and Kaitlyn came to see our house! Dad had never seen it before. He helped us install a light in Josh's room and remove the power cable for the hot tub. Now we can finally get rid of that thing and clean up the back yard. It was really nice having everyone over. It feels kinda quite with them gone. I still have Jon and Josh here, but I guess it just hits me sometimes that I don't see them that often. At least next week is Easter so I get to see them again soon! Tonight, we are just hanging out, playing games and watching movies. Laid back and what not. The Easter bunny came this morning and Josh had a lot of fun! The Easter bunny left a trail of egg filled hits that led us in a treasure hunt through the house! It was a lot of fun and Josh really enjoyed finding candy hidden around the house. Of course, the last clue led to his Easter basket! I am so bummed b/c we can't find the Easter egg coloring kit! I can't for the life of me remember where I put it! It's so frustrating! Here are some things I'm grooving on today.

"we're all mad here." - the mad hatter

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