Monday, March 22, 2010

random stuff

New Moon...drool! I finally watched it last night. I got the dvd and oh my. Love it! I can't wait to see Eclipse! I think I might watch it again tonight...hehe, I may be a bit obsessed.
So tonight, I started whitening my teeth. I got the gel and tooth form thingies from my dentist. I figured if I am going to do it, I should get the stuff from a professional. I know it's bad for your teeth, but I just want to brighten up my smile for the wedding. Well, now I have white spots all over my teeth. Is this normal? Does anyone know? I hope it is b/c if my teeth only whiten in certain spots, I'm going to be pretty pissed. Grrr. Face the wrath of Sarah! My dentist will hear about it! Hm...we shall see.
I miss my usb port and being able to put my photos on here. So I will leave you with some photos that made me happy. they're all from we heart it.

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." - Douglas Adams

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