Tuesday, May 18, 2010

a whole lotta shtuff!

First and foremost, a Zoey update! All the prayers/good vibes/thoughts are working! Zoey is doing good after yesterdays surgery and is sitting up in bed already! Hopefully her MRI today shows the tumor is all gone! Keep up the good thinking people!

PSA! Target has my favorite basics (long tank tops to go under stuff and v neck t-shirts) on sale for $6! I stocked up (yes, I am sometimes very basic in my wardrobe) and now you should too!

http://mrspriss.com/ I freaking love this site! So many cute DIY projects AND she’s hilarious! A total must read!

So a cat story from last night is what you’d like to read? Ok, I’ll give you that! My boys (cats) love catnip, but only in the form of those refillable fabric tubes (check in the cat aisle at wallyworld, you’ll see them). So every once in a blue moon, I get them some new ones, b/c I’m to lazy to just buy catnip and refill the ones they all ready have. Last night, I decided they needed some newbs since they had just suffered a 4 day weekend without their mama. So I open the package and dump the tubes on the ground. Topeka just sniffs them then walks away. Jersey kind of sniffs them for a while then looks bored. I’m thinking ok so they don’t like their nips anymore. Fast forward a few hours. I had just decided to settle in with some Golden Girls and my boys. Lo and behold, they decide they feel…er, interesting (no doubt due to the catnip) and start freaking out! They streak across my room, Topeka attempts to jump onto the window ledge, but instead ends up bouncing off said window and Jersey completely wipes out into my pile of wedding stuff. One would think they had enough, no? No. They continue to run frantically throughout the house for a good 10 minutes until they finally settle themselves down, under my covers, with aforementioned catnip toys. Ok, so maybe you had to be there, but I was laughing quite a lot.

So after my 2 days of sickness exile, I noticed that my kidney area was a bit sensitive. So I have been chugging water hoping to avoid the dreaded kidney infection! Anyone out there know why my kidneys would hurt after a sick episode? (TMI, the sickness was not vomit). They feel ok today, but I’m gonna be sticking to water for a while…with some tea thrown in there for good measure.

Finally, from the wedding front, I officially ordered our cake! Now I’m down to the boring stuff like deciding on cake plates and tablecloths. Oh well, you have to have cake plates!

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