Monday, May 17, 2010

oh and since i missed this on friday...

fill in the blank!

1. The very best thing about the summer is Being able to be outside and do all sorts of fun things like hiking, swimming, BBQing, and stuff .

2. My first crush ever was a boy named Todd. He was the only boy in my 1st grade class that was taller than me.

3. This may sound really silly but I have a small obsession with my cats ears. They are just too cute! They are bigger than a normal cats ears. I just like to play with them. I love my cats way too much. But I’m not a crazy cat lady! I swear!

4. I squeeze my toothpaste from the middle until it gets low. Then I squeeze from the end .

5. My absolute favorite "comfort food" is anything sweet. Cake, ding dongs, donuts, I don’t care I’d take it all! Oh and mashed potatoes.

6. A random fact about me is that I drove a 1977 orange Ford pickup trhough highschool. It had a pink door. It was known as the bomb b/c I fully expected it to blow up. It never did.

7. The one piece of technology that truly makes my life better and I couldn't live without is my cell phone. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to talk to jon every night. Eek!

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