Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mr. Rogers was a saint

On a completely different note, I am irate. Fox news has done many idiotic things...a huge amount of idiotic things, but this one has sent me over the edge. They have called Mr. Rogers evil. They stated that he is evil and taught children to be self entitled. At what point did Mr. Rogers ever do anything other than tell kids that learning is important and that everybody has their own type of talent?!?!?!? Self entitled?!?!!? I didn't know that encouraging kids to be the best people they could be and be good people?!?!?!? I grew up on Mr. Rogers and what I learned from him is that I should always try my best and that I should recognize the others around me that help me to be who I am. That's a bit on the other side of the spectrum from self entitlement. In fact, to prove my point about the fact that Mr Rogers was more about recognizing that no one can make it on their own without help from others, here is a little tidbit that Fox news could have gotten off of Wikipedia. When Mr. Rogers was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Emmys, he wouldn't even take credit for it! He made everyone take 10 seconds to think about the other people around them that got them to where they were! Did Fox trouble themselves to check up on facts about the man they were about to belittle and call an evil person? No. They are idiots who can't be bothered to check facts about something, but just choose to say what's on their mind without first seeing if there is a basis of fact about it! They cite experts, but they never do say who these supposed experts are!!! They are uneducated bigots spouting off uneducated opinions. They are in now way journalists. I believe the people at FOX news are more entitled than the children that grew up watching Mr. Rogers!!!!! I would love to be a fly on the wall to see what these people tell their children about being special. Do they tell their kids they don't deserve anything and are in no way special?!?!? Or are they telling their children they are wonderful kids who should work hard to be the best people they can be? The thing they don't want to say is that the parents are to blame! There are so many parents out there who make excuses for their children and say that they aren't at fault for the things they do. In fact, during the broadcast, a woman wrote in to make that exact point, and Fox news, instead of address the comment, moved right past it to a letter that agreed with them. Instead of blaming Mr Rogers, who dedicated his life to children, perhaps we should look closer to home and recognize that parents need to be parenting, not tv shows. I normally do not comment on things like this, but they have crossed a line by attacking an innocent man who is no longer around to defend himself. A man who was revered for being a simple, humble, good human being. More than anyone, ANYONE, at the Fox network can say about themselves.

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