Monday, May 17, 2010

So Hello There!

Oh I hate being sick! But (hopefully) the nasty has passed and I am back! A few things from this weekend. Amber and Dustin came over Saturday night for one last to-do before Zoey’s surgery. It’s happening now so prayers/good vibes/upbeat thoughts sent their way would be appreciated! I, of course, was a bit sick, but it was still a good time. We watched Blown Away (an older movie) and I loved it! Then again, when don’t I love Jeff Bridges? Love him!
Sunday was Jon’s grandpop’s birthday, so we went to his dad’s for a little cookout. We were invited to come over next weekend for fresh strawberry’s and strawberry daquiri’s! I love strawberrys. Yum. And blackberries. Yum squared.
Anywho, Jon and I also watched the new Sherlock Holmes movie. It was ok. I thought they made ol’ Sherlock a bit of a douchebag, but that’s just my opinion. I did like the character by the end of the movie, so maybe I’m just off. Who knows! We also watched Crocodile Dundee. I love that movie! Nothing like a classic from the childhood! Why all the movies one might ask? Well aside from my being unable to really leave the house and the fact that it rained, we recently signed up for an acct at our local Family Video and for the first 30 days, everything we rent we get ½ off. So be assured we will take advantage of that!!! So what movies would you rent? Old or new?
On my 4 day weekend, the one thing I did manage to get done was planting some flowers and 2 tomato plants. At least I got one check out of the way! Plus, Jon commented how now it looks like we care about our house, hehe. Oh, and I also staked my peonies b/c the poor buggers were lying flat on the ground. They are beautiful by the way! Just gorgeous. I cut some and looked at them in a vase all weekend. Peony hint, don’t forget to shake the ants out! I learned this before bringing mine inside, so we had no ant problem, I just wanted to put it out there!
And now, some answers for questions that I saw on the ever adorable It’s not really a quiz, just liked the idea of answering these.

1. Where wil you be five years from today? – hopefully, married, living at home full time, with a baby! And a dog!
2. What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? – open my own store! I have seriously thought about how awesome this would be! It would be a craft/scrapbook/candle/recipe store. Not to broad eh?
3. If you could open a door to anywhere, where would you go? Neverland silly! Or Wonderland. Hmmmm…..decisions.
4. What are you afraid of? A plethora of things! Spiders, clowns (I’m slowly overcoming this one), china dolls, change, etc.
5. I believe in ghosts. Do you? – Yesiree!
6. 5 bears stood right in the middle of the street blocking your way, what would you do? I would totally play dead and hope they went away!
7. What would the theme song to your life be? Oh I can’t answer that! I have way too many songs! Hmmm… I suppose if I had to choose, I would pick….Bitch by Meredith Brooks. I think it describes how complex a person is and how that complexity is what makes them who they are. It’s what makes them human. And you should want to be anything other than what you are. Oh I should do a soundtrack of my life…thus far post! I see one coming people!

Now go live! Life only comes around once! Well, unless you believe in reincarnation, but regardless, go live! Go!

“In 20 years, you will be more disappointed by what you didn’t do than by what you did.” – Mark Twain

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