Friday, May 7, 2010

Eagles and Graduations

To start off, here's a little pretty inspiration for you!

{image from we heart it}
This morning we went to the forestry and saw a presentation on birds of prey. We got to see a live red tail hawk, red chested hawk, and a bald eagle! The lady who held them said that the bald eagle only ways 9 lbs! Crazy! They are lighter than they appear! I mean, I knew birds had hollow bones so they were light, but man that isn't a whole lot for a bird with 5-6 foot wingspan! I'm so frustrated b/c my camera took really dark crappy pictures! Why is all of my technology failing me?!?! First my computer now my camera?! Grrrr...stinkin' technology. They had puppies for adoption at the forestry too. I want one so bad! Jon doesn't want to take care of it while I'm gone during the week, so I guess we won't have one anytime soon. They were really cute too! Aw, now I'm sad again!
After we left the forestry, we had lunch at the Pizza Palace (Pizza King for all you up north) and played some of their games. We chilled at home for a bit, then Josh went to Uncle David's and Jon and I headed up to Dan and Rachel's for Dan's surprise graduation party. Congrats Dan! We hung out there for a bit then headed back to Seymour. On the way into town, we stopped for some White Castle. Not to give TMI, but I have been....stuck for a bit on the digestive front, and I didn't feel like taking Ex-lax. Hopefully, White Castle will do the trick.
I think we have taken the road of Chuck Taylors for the guys at the wedding. Woop! Great chance for some photo ops like this.

{image from we heart it}
Well, we are going to settle in for the night. Have a good one!

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