Saturday, May 22, 2010

chucks and saturday love

Ah Saturday mornings! I love Saturday's! I sleep in till 8 (geez, when did sleeping in become 8am?) and then I get up. Usually the boys sleep for a while longer, so I get some Sarah time. This morning I am trying a new recipe in the crockpot. I'll post the recipe later. I'm watching some some Buffy (the Vampire Slayer for those who don't know) and chilling out on mah couch.
Today, we are going to get Jon and Josh their chucks for the wedding. Hopefully the JC Penny down here has their sizes. I'm thinking about getting a pair too. That would be so cute in pictures! A family of chucks! Maybe that's what I'll wear down the aisle! hehe. so that would bring me to 3 pairs of shoes for the wedding. Maybe overkill? I would have chucks for walking down the aisle and the ceremony. I would wear both chucks and my new red heels for pictures. and then I'm changing into my bride flip flops for the reception. I'm a total shoe diva!
Well, I'm sure you've given two craps about my boring little life today, so I'm goign to stop typing about it and go out and live it! Toodles!

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