Thursday, May 13, 2010

An Ode to Vitamin C

Forgive my slacker posting this week. Tuesday and Wednesday I felt like poo. I have a cold my friends. Combined that with my allergies, and I have been quite a mess. I actually let work early yesterday b/c I just felt like a big pile o' poo! I have the kind of cold where my throat hurts and is scratchy, therefore my voice is...weird. I have constant drainage, that goes strait down my throat. Oh, and my glands are swollen beyond belief! My neck is huge! Not to complain or anything;) However, after an copious amounts of vitamin c being ingested into my system, I am feeling much better today. There really is nothing better than vitamin c for a cold. Love it!

I am off work today and tomorrow, woot for 4 day weekends! Even though I have a cold for my vaca, it's still vaca. Today, Jon went into work and I went to Walmart for groceries, an oil change, and some tire patches. Jon had his court date, so he left work early. We spent the afternoon mowing the lawn and planting flowers and tomatoes to release stress (er, or something). Then we had his court date, which went well I think. We are going to veg out the rest of the evening and I am going to ingest for vitamin c. Woop!
Tomorrow, my schedule includes a ton of laundry, wedding invites, and cleaning the house. I plan on designing the wedding invites, then figuring out how to print them. Shouldn't be too hard...right? Right?!?!?! Oy. Invitations scare me. Jon will be at work, so I will watch some Buffy and Charmed. He doesn't groove on those shows, so I will watch them all by my lonesome.
Oh! I FINALLY saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! I was disappointed by Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (the movie, not the book!) so I put off seeing the Half Blood Prince. But I loved it! They definitely stray from the book (of course), but I really enjoyed it! Now I am looking forward to the next, and last (tear) two.

I did accomplish a wedding to do this week! I booked hotel rooms for Jon and I and for Dustin and Amber. Check!
Speak of Dustin and Amber, 2 things. First...Happy Birthday Amber! Secondly, Zoey's surgery is Monday, so lets get some serious prayers/positive vibes/good thoughts rolling their way!

Later Tators! (yup, that's how I roll)

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