Friday, May 21, 2010

chickpea's and meatballs

Zoey update! She is 100% tumor free! Best news ever! So happy for her, and of course Dustin and Amber.
Ah the weekend. So far this Friday night, I have made (and eaten) shepard's pie, baked chickpeas (not my thing, but I had been wanting to try them for a while now), and am currently baking a cake! I'm feeling a little Betty Crocker I guess. If you are wanting to try the baked chickpeas, there are recipes all over the internet. Just pick one that looks good to you. A hint though, shake those puppies often during baking, or they WILL burn!
We are going to watch Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs tonight. None of us has seen it, so see it we will! It has been raining here since we picked up Josh, so a night inside it is!
Total side note, but Alice in Wonderland (Disney/Tim Burton version) is out on dvd on June 1st!!!! I can't wait!!!!!
I have a PSA regarding cheese grater heels. We all get them. My heels get super dry and cracked regardless of the season. I was turned onto this trick by my dad. It sounds a little wierd, but if you use anitfungal cream on your heels, they will get soft again! Put on a generous amount of the cream, then slip on socks for at least a few hours. My dad does it at the beginning of the day and his feet are soft as a baby's butt! Just letting everyone know in case they may find this little tidbit useful.
In other news, is anyone else tired of hearing how they keep failing at stopping that huge oil leak? Stop messing around and stop it already! I just get the feeling (and I could be wrong, just my feeling folks) that they are too concerned with saving as much oil as they can than they are with just stopping the leak. Just stop the damn leak people! You should be more concerned with the fact that you are killing nature than the fact that you are losing money. Freaking oil people. Don't get me started. Ugh.
Anywho, in house decor news, I really want to make one of these paintings for our living room.

{image from }
Ours would be on a smaller scale, but I love this concept! I love decorating our home. I love that it reflects our style and really shows who we are. and of course, I just love decorating!!! I'm also working on a plate wall (possibly, Jon isn't fond of the idea). I've collected a few plates, and I grabbed a Liberty of London platter when they were at Target that I'd like to use for the center. Jon's actually given me the ok on the project, but he really doesn't like the sound of it, so I'm debating on it. I think he'll like it once he see's it, but I don't want to put it all up only to find that he really hates it. Hmm...

"If you're going to be alive and on this planet, you have to, like, suck the marrow out of every day and get the most out of it." Drew Barrymore

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