Thursday, May 6, 2010

friday on a thursday

I have been a-slacking lately, and I missed last weeks fill in the blank friday. so you get it today, which is thursday. surprise!

1. My absolute favorite movie of all time is Alice in wonderland. I have been obsessed since childhood with the disney cartoon version. i no also love the new disney version.

2. My favorite movie as a child was see above question. hasn't changed.

3. The best movie quote ever is "as if" from clueless. what can i say, it defined my generation.

4. My favorite actress is changing daily. today, i'm really digging on Bea Arthur. it's a golden girls thing.

5. The movie I could watch over and over is back to the future. i love me some michael j fox!

6. My favorite movie genre is probably romantic comedy. but i love all movies, so i try not to choose.

7. A movie I'd like to watch this weekend is Back to the Future. I'm feeling the 80's.

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