Saturday, April 10, 2010

Yagelski Egg Casserole

Tonight, I made chocolate chip cookies! They were delightful! We used the Nestle Tollhouse recipe. You can't go wrong with that one! I'm not posting it b/c, well, it's on the back of the chocolate chips. I am however posting another recipe. I made up an egg casserole for our breakfast tomorrow. I got this recipe from my sister Becky, who got it from her mother in law. It's really good! Give it a go!

Yagelski Egg Casserole

9 eggs (beaten)
1 pkg (2 cups) shredded cheese
5 slices of bread, torn up
2 pkg smokies, cut up
1 1/2 cups milk
1 tsp dry mustard
pepper to taste

Mix all together and pour into a 9x13 glass baking dish. Let sit in the fridge overnight. (You must make this up the night before! Very Imporatnt!) Bake uncovered for 1 hour at 350 degrees.

On a side note, my dad makes a KILLER egg casserole! I got his recipe too, and I am trying it next time we have Josh. These casseroles tend to feed a lot of people (I mean, it is enough to fill a 9x13 pan!) so I've decided only make them when all three of us will be home. I suppose you could 1/2 the recipe, but I've never tried, so proceed at your own risk!

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