Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tommy Guns and Dragons

Yesterday realized that my shopping ban has been off for more than a week, and I haven't bought anything! (except for my trip to Hobby Lobby) So I decided to get some scrapbooking supplies. I got some Cosmo Cricket Mr. Campy scrapbook paper.
I already have some, but I wanted to get some more b/c I love it so much! We are planning on going camping this summer, and I'm thinking about doing a minibook. I'm also planning on using it for when we go fishing, hiking, and other outdoor activities. It's just gorgeous paper! I also got some random journaling card. I've been scrapjournaling the month of April and in doing it, I've found that I need some simple journaling cards. I can't wait until it all comes in! I haven't bought any clothes or cosmetics, but I plan to try a new foundation soon. Also, I think I may pop over to Old Navy and get some capri's for summer. We'll see. I'm still trying to keep the shopping to a minimum to try and save money. It's interesting that all I've bought thus far are crafting/scrapping supplies! I've been feeling very creative lately though, so perhaps that's why.

We went to see How to Train Your Dragon today. It was so good! I highly recommend it! I want a pet dragon now! So cute!

When we got into the theater, we realized there was a kids party going on. In the theater. It was awful! you know those parents who don't control their children? They let them shout and babble during the movie, and play on the stairs? Yeah those parents? This party was like having 30 kids that belonged to those parents! It almost ruined the movie for me, but luckily the movie was good enough to make up for the crappy audience. Seriously, who has a birthday party in a movie theater?!?!? And why in God's name did the theater not tell us before selling us the tickets? Yeah, I know, they wanted the ticket sale. But really? Huff.
Now we are at home. Jon and Josh got Nerf tommy guns at Walmart and now they are playing with them. FYI, do NOT shoot them at close range. It hurts like a mother! Later this evening, Jon and I are heading to a wedding (Dustin's sister) and Josh gets to stay for a bit with GamGam (His great grandma). Then home again to a bottle wine, scrapjournaling, and watching a movie (I'm voting for the Ghostbusters or the Labyrinth, but we'll see.)

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