Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Last night at the wedding, we got to hang out with Amber for a bit. Dustin was running around doing pictures, so we waited with Amber and Zoey in the parking lot. Zoey is doing better. She doesn't need surgery right now, so they are going to see the doctor in May as scheduled. Continued prayers/good vibes/thoughts are still VERY welcome. As Amber said, it's just one day at a time right now.
My casserole turned out great! Yea! I have had trouble with egg casseroles in the past, so I am very pleased! Sonnie and Phil are back from vacation and brought us all a little something. I got a new coffee mug! This afternoon, we attempted to teach Josh to ride a bike. I love that kid to death, but man. I suppose it's hard to teach any kid to ride a bike. Sigh. Well there's always next time. Now we are just chilling out. I don't feel that great and neither does Jon. My allergies are really bad right now (what's up with that pollen count anyway?) so I'm just feeling...blech. Jon's got a headache. We're both a bit nauseous.
Time for some R&R.

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