Monday, April 26, 2010

This time, monday doesn't suck so bad

I am listening to Iko Iko by The Dixie.
I am watching Sex and the City (which is about to be followed by some Golden Girls).
Itunes finally got Daria...and My So-Called Life.
And of course, the best thing of all....I get to see Jon tomorrow! Even though it's for pre-marital counseling, I'm just excited I get to see him during the week! I think we may get dinner afterwards. Of course, this is all pending his car actually making it up here. He desperately needs a new one. Speaking of cars, I have officially paid my car off! So that's some extra money every month! Woot!
Did I mention I get to see Jon tomorrow? During the week? Ok, so I may be slightly annoying about it, but I'm just so damn excited!
Today, they began installing central air/heat in our house! This is our last BIG $ project, so I'm super excited! Jon and I were talking about it and how it makes us feel like we really are IN the house now! I still think it's crazy that we are homeowners! And we are getting married! So adult! I mean, I'm 27 (ok almost 28) so I am an adult, but hitting all these big milestones is pretty darn cool. In a totally sophisticated adult way of course ;). Ah adulthood. Once you get past all the responsibility stuff, the rest of it is pretty cool. I'm enjoying it anyway! By the way, I am so in love with this from We Heart It.

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