Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday at home

Sunday. It has been raining all day. No outdoor activities today either. When, may I ask, am I supposed to plant my flowers?! Oh well. This morning we had eggs. Yup. Super exciting. Then we ran to Big Lots and the flea market. Not much to be seen. I started work on my "Our Adventure 2010" box. So far so good. Now we just have to start doing stuff to fill it up. Ok, technically we started yesterday since "Eat at Rockford" was on my summer to do list. Sonnie, Phil, David, and Kate came over for a bit. Josh has been playing with his Lego's all weekend! They are a miracle toy for rainy weekends! I've never seen anything keep a kid's attention for so long! I made a cake, again out a box. I know, I'm so lazy baking this weekend! Not to mention that I'm baking an awful lot in general. I don't know why, I guess I'm feeling like a suzy homemaker this weekend! Or maybe it's the rain. Who knows! We have just been chilling out all day. I'm making shepard's pie(one of Jon's favorites) for dinner. Josh and I will be gone for dinner, but Jon loves it and then he has left over for the week. Ok, so I might have a bite before I leave. It's one of my favorites too ;). Tonight, I plan to curl up with my cats and my favorite girls.

Nothing can cheer me up like these ladies. They have gotten me through many a night where I was super lonely being away from Jon. I can't believe that April is almost over. My April scrap-journal is coming to an end. It gets to end on a big note, b/c this Friday (the last day of the month) we are going to see the original Nightmare on Elm Street at the drive in. Woot! I really liked doing this project, so after my "Our Adventure" project, I think I may do another one for October. Lord knows we have a lot to journal/scrap on during that month! I also started collecting plates for my plate wall. Jon isn't too keen on the idea, but I think he'll come around once he see's my vision. Well, I'm off to spend what time I have left this weekend with my honey. Happy Sunday to all!

"Dorothy: Ma, "disdam" is not a word.
Sophia: It certainly is!
Dorothy: Okay, prove it, use it in a sentence.
Sophia: You're no good at disdam game." - The Golden Girls

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