Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturay's are nice, even when rainy

Ah. I love Saturdays. Today, we ran to Target in Columbus so that Josh could finally use a Target gift card he got for his birthday. He got Lego's of course! I got complimented while we were walking out of there! Some random lady said "Oh you look so cute i love that!" (referring to my outfit. I was wearing gray skinny jeans with a yellow dress over them) I felt so good! Then we had lunch at Rockford Ridge, aka home of the best onion rings of all time! No joke, they are the ultimate in food. They are a little local place here is Seymour. It's a drive up (like Sonic) and they have the best burgers and onion rings I've ever had. It's not just me, they are 3 for 3 with our family! Yum! After that it rained on and off all day. Raining right now as a matter of fact! So we have spent the afternoon and evening indoors. We came home and I made brownies (out of a box so no recipe) and Josh has been playing with his Lego's. That kid can play with those for hours on end and not get bored! We chilled for a bit, and now some white chicken lasagna is bubbling away in the oven and Jon and I are enjoying some wine (Josh is having a red cream soda). This time, I switched the ricotta cheese for cottage cheese, b/c that's what I was able to get at Target. I also downloaded Nighttiming by Coconut Records today. I love it! Oh I also watched something that made my heart rate go up. A new trailer for Eclipse is out! I can't wait! The movies are pretty darn cheesy, but I still love them!

{image from we heart it}

"Do not, on a rainy day, ask your child what he feels like doing, because I assure you that what he feels like doing, you won't feel like watching."
Fran Lebowitz

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