Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wonderfully Random Wednesday

This morning, I parked my car very crooked and as I was re aligning myself I was thinking, “How did I park so catty-wompus?” Then I realized, I had no idea how to spell catty-wompus, or catty-corner for that matter! So I did some google searching and found that while catty-corner (correct sp per google) is a word, catty-wompus is not. So there isn’t really any true way to spell it. So I chose to take the catty-corner route and hyphenate. That is the story of my spelling of catty-wompus (which is the best word in the world, by the by).

Brad Paisley is coming to Verizon on June birthday!!! This year it will also be my bachlorette the concert!!!! Woooooooooooooot!

The Georgetown Drive In is showing the original 1984 version of Nightmare on Elm Street. I am so there! With Jon of course...for proection from the nasty horror movie dontcha know. ;)

Style is relative. I have such a mishmash of styles, that I couldn’t ever pick just one. So if I ever had to define my style, it would be something ridiculously long like: modern bohemian with a classic/indie/hippie/punk/old hollywood/glamorous flair to it. See? Ridiculous! So I’ve decided that I’ll just deem my style, sarah style. Completely self involved? Perhaps, but it is a lot faster to explain.

I want blackberry cobbler really bad.

I grew up on a farm in Monon IN (northern part of the state). After highschool, I moved to Indy (central IN) for college and stayed there for a while (actually still here during the week) to soak up the city life. Then I met my fiancé Jon, who is from Seymour IN (southern part of the state) and we decided to settle there. So when I say I am from IN, I can honestly say I have lived in every part of the state. This just hit me today and I though it was funny. Don’t know why.

My Top Ten Bucket List
10. Go to Europe
9. Have a child
8. Have a lady cave
7. See all 50 states
6. Get an awesome camera
5. Have a garden
4. See Sir Paul McCartney in concert
3. See the ocean
2. Bake the perfect cupcake…from scratch (frosting too!)
1. Marry Jon.

I love comments! Oh today rocks my socks baby!!!!!

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