Friday, April 2, 2010

April 2nd Part Deuce

What a fantastic day! After our biking adventure, Jon and I took a shower and headed to the bank and Good Will. We found Pictionary at GW which I am happy about. Then we picked up Wendy's (I know, not healthy at all! But it was so nice and I didn't feel like cooking.) and went home. Once we had eaten, Jon and I were both a bit tired, so we took a nap. Man that felt good! When we woke up, Dustin, Amber and Zoey came over to visit! We sat around and chatted for a bit, then headed up to Skyline. I had never been there before and it was beautiful! Skyline is a SUPER high hill (looks like a mountain actually) and at the top, they have a vista that over looks 2 counties! It was gorgeous! Then we headed to a wooden covered bridge. It's closed to traffic, and I think they are restoring it. Right now it is all decrepit and old looking, which I think is neat. We walked up and down it and it is pretty neat. After that we all had dinner and hung out a bit more. They left to go home and we just relaxed a bit. I don't know how midnight got here! It was gorgeous out today too! It got up in the 80's with a nice breeze! Lovely. And the great thing is, I still have 2 days of weekend left! Woot!

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