Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Do something good for the earth!
I have a wedding announcement! I have fallen in love with donut cakes. Love them! And they’re cheap! I had wanted to get a cake done by my mom’s friend, but I’m really having trouble justifying spending that much money on a cake! So I’m beginning to seriously consider a donut cake! Cheap, cute, and totally us (we’ll had some donut holes for Jon). Yep, I think it’s a go! Also, I am going to try my hand at making fabric flowers for the bouquets and my hair piece! Wish me luck! One wedding thing we have to get a move on is registering. Our wedding is less than 5 months away (oh dear lord how in hades did that happen?) so we need to get off our bums and go register!
Our house. It’s coming along. The central air/heat is being put in on Monday! Woop! I have a million little projects I want to make for the house, but somehow never find the time. 2 I plan on starting this weekend are a photo wall (the photos will be hung from clothes pins on twine) and a plate wall. I love the plate walls I’ve seen and think it’s a really neat way to showcase your personal style. So I’m going to start collecting plates (ok so I already have) for the plate wall. I am so hitting target for the Liberty of London collection. I hope they still have a plate! Those two projects are low maintenance and shouldn’t be too pricey! - makes a book for you! I have got to do this! A library card generator?!?!? Yes! (does anyone else miss the card catalog? I do )

Idea – paint a stripe wall (horizontal wide stripes) at the head of our bed. cute blog, check it out!

And tonight, I am going to spend some time with my twin nephews and their older sister. love those kids! I spend a lot of time with them during the week. That will be the hardest part about moving away (whenever that happens, no time soon fo sho, which is sad). And away I fly!

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