Sunday, April 18, 2010

A sunday with a recipe - Pork Chops

Last night, after I posted, Dustin and Amber called and asked if we wanted to go to their place to hang out for a bit. So we headed over there and stayed for a few hours. We got home and went to bed. This morning we lazed in bed for a bit, then we got up and I made breakfast. Pork chops! I know, I know, pork chops for breakfast?!?! But I had some I needed to use up so I figured...why not? I used a new recipe (see below) and served them with mashed potatoes. They were pretty good too! Now we are going to spend the rest of the day picking up and doing laundry and making soup. All in all, a damn good day!

Pork Chops
I got this original recipe from Campbell's website. I have put my changes in ().

4 pork chops, 1 inch thick (I use 2)
1 can cream of mushroom soup (I used 98% fat free)
3/4 cup milk
1/2 packet of ranch dressing mix
(fresh mushrooms)
1 tbsp veggie oil

Heat oil in a pan. Brown chops on both sides. Add milk, soup, mix, and mushrooms. Stir and reduce heat. Allow to simmer until chops are cooked through. (I used only 2 chops and added fresh mushrooms to the gravy. We served this with mashed potatoes. Next time, I am only using 1/4 packet of the ranch mix. With a full 1/2, it was just a bit to salty.)

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