Monday, April 5, 2010

100th Post

Did everyone have a good Easter? We spent most of ours driving, but it was nice to get to see my family! Man I am still bushed though! Driving that much makes me tired!
Work today seemed to last forever! Loooong day! I'm glad it's over! Tomorrow night, I am having dinner with my friend Rachel at Macaroni Grill. Yum! Good eats! I think I'll stop by Hobby Lobby since it is just around the corner from the Grill and pick up some crafting supplies. I also need to price some wedding things there. It's getting to the time when I have to actually start buying stuff for the big event. Sigh. I just see that money going away and I cringe! I know it's for my wedding, but I still just....shudder. I guess there's a part of me that feels it's a waste b/c it's only for one night. At least I'm going cheap!
Man I am just drained! Sorry to repeat myself, but it just keeps hitting me how tired I am. My cat sure missed me while I was gone for the weekend! He was so cuddly last night! Jersey could take me or leave me, but Topeka misses me when I'm gone. I sound like a crazy old cat lady, but I love my boys!
Well this post has been short and boring. Sorry I don't have more interesting things to blog about. Have a good night everyone! I'll try to be more interesting tomorrow...or Wednesday. Whichever comes first.

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