Wednesday, April 28, 2010

hump day

Just witnessed a conversation that showed me how sadly materialistic we have become in this county. That’s not to say I don’t like my possessions, but I would never be the person out there literally fist fighting over a purse! Geez!
Eric Clapton is coming to Verizon on July 2nd! Confirmed!!!! Oh I hope tickets aren’t’ too terribly pricey!
We had our first pre-marital counseling session last night with the new pastor. It was great! It went so well! Jon should be calling the old crazy pastor today to let him know we won’t be using him. Woop! One anxiety down!
It was really nice to see Jon during the week. We had dinner at O’Charley’s. He had never been and he was digging on their scrumptious rolls (oh yum). I could get used to seeing him on more than just the weekends! ;). Someday it will happen. But for now, I am lonely this morning. I loved seeing him last night, but somehow it made today harder. Boo! (secret: he left his shirts here and I kept smelling them last night. Does anyone else do this? They just retain his smell! I love it!)
I think I’m going to start dropping pennies so that other people can find them and have goo luck! You know the saying! Find a penny pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck! Do people still know this saying? Hm. Perhaps dropping pennies would be a futile effort if people no longer follow the penny/luck rule. Something to think about.
Saturday, I go wedding dress shopping. My mom, all 4 sisters, and one niece are going. That’s a whole lotta people. Afterwards, we are going to The Cheesecake Factory. I am excited about that. Yum, cheesecake. And of course, a Golden Girls quote!

“Blanche: Take it from me I wrote the book on dating.
Rose: really what's it called?
Blanche: it doesn't have a title you twit
Dorothy: Well Goodnight
Blanche: You’re going to bed already ?
Dorothy: well what's wrong with going straight to bed?
Rose: hey Blanche that's a good title for your book”

Because every time you mention cheesecake, what else would you think of except the GG’s?!?! oh today I am tired. I kept having nightmares about dress shopping last night.
Well, off I go, pip pip!

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