Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tax Day

Just another random work mind day. I really should post something other than random thoughts.

Happy tax day! Still no sign of my tax return (stinking IRS) but someday my prince, er, money will come. On a completely other note, I’ve decided to side with the geese. Yup, geese. Are they annoying? Yes. Do they scare the bajesus out of me? Yes. But if you stop to think about it, we are the bad guys. We took away their homes, building roads and buildings in their place. Then we conveniently put ponds around these roads and buldings. So the geese are thinking, hm. They changed it up a bit, but at least we still have a pond! So they settle down and lay some eggs and then what do we do? We take their eggs away, spray the area so they won’t come back, and then yell at them constantly when they do! What are the poor geese to do? It’s our own fault really. I’d be pretty upset if someone stole my babies too! So now I side with the geese. At least until one chases me. *sudder*

Check out this blog
It is so cute! They look like such a fun couple! (I’m not a stalker, I just want to be friends…really!) Plus, they are from IN! I finally found another blogger from IN! I was beginning to think they didn’t exist! I like that I finally know the places people are talking about!

Bathroom lingerers be gone! Come on people, I have blogged about this before! Stop lingering in the public restrooms! Seriously! I don’t care about your highlights or the fact that you’ve had to switch hair dressers!! Take your friend (co lingerer) and move that talk to the break room! The bathroom is not a place for talking!

Things I am looking forward to this summer!
1. corn on the cob… oh yum!
2. any type of food on the grill
3. camping
4. fishing
5. rowboating
6. picnics
7. hiking
8. swimming
9. bike riding
10. popsicles!
11. movies at the drive in
12. my bachelorette party!
13. a fourth of july cookout…at our very own home!

I have been told by 3 people this week that I am jolly, infectiously happy, and funny. I’m having a good week!

"life was meant to be lived, and curiosity kept alive. one must never turn his back on life."-Eleanor Roosevelt

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