Thursday, April 8, 2010

What a Day

Oy Vey! What a morning! Work is craptastic and Jon’s dad is in the hospital (actually that happened last night, and prayers/thoughts would be appreciated). I am tired. I just want to crawl back in bed and sleep. Cuddling with the cats would also be acceptable. So Jon’s dad. Last night, he went to the hospital b/c he was having chest pains, was short of breath, and his arm was tingling. They don’t think he had a heart attack, but that it is a blockage of some sort. He stayed last night and is still there today while they run a plethora of tests. Hopefully we will know something soon. Jon said he is in good spirits and acts completely fine and normal, except when they gave him morphine for the pain. Apparently, that was hysterical! So can’t believe I had to miss that! In all seriousness, we would appreciate any prayers if you are a prayer, or good thought vibes if you aren’t. Hopefully it’s nothing to serious. It’s really hard to live in Indy during the week especially when stuff like this happens. I feel like I should be down there, but I can’t be. It sucks! At least I will be down there tomorrow night.
It cooled off today, which I am choosing to enjoy. I know in a few short months, it will be hotter than Scarlett’s bloomers, so I will enjoy the nice cool weather while it lasts. (By the by, did anyone actually like Gone With the Wind? I personally think people pretend to like it b/c they think they should. Yes I’ve seen it, and it is not my cup of tea.) I could do without the tornadoes and extreme storms though. Last night I thought the apocalypse had come! My poor cats didn’t know what to do!
Oh and speaking of the apocalypse, I am really honked off about the whole 2012 thing. People need to do their research before deciding the world is going to end. FYI, the Mayan calendar doesn’t end, it starts over! Holy Cow! What do we do now?!??! Oh that’s right, keep on keepin’ on. *insert snort here* Sometimes I think people want the world to end. Remember Y2K? Yup, that didn’t happen either!
Sorry about the rant filled post. Yesterday I said I was going to come back happier, but it turns out that just isn’t in the stars. I’ll leave you with a happy quote though! Or at least a quote that makes me happy anyway.

“Wendy: But, Peter, how do we get to Never Land?
Peter Pan: Fly, of course.
Wendy: Fly?
Peter Pan: It's easy! All you have to do is to... is to... is to... Ha! That's funny.
Wendy: What's the matter? Don't you know?
Peter Pan: Oh, sure. It's... It's just that I never thought about it before. Say, that's it! You think of a wonderful thought.” – Disney’s Peter Pan (1953)

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