Tuesday, April 13, 2010

a happy post

Sorry I have been in such a deplorable mood as of late. There hasn’t been a whole lotta happy posting around here huh? So here are some things that have elevated my mood today.
Today I smelled bubble gum. Bubble gum flavored bubble gum. It has been way to long since I had that!
There are way too many cute clothes at Target right now! Oh how I long to shop! Sadly, there are just too many bills right now (hello car insurance and plumbing people!) and a lack of tax return in my bank account. So I must wait. But oh how a long for some new clothes! Maybe just one top? It’s under $20. Please? I do get paid Thrusday….hmmmm.
Brad Paisley tickets go on sale on the 17th! Bachelorette party here I come!
Found a super duper orange cupcake recipe at http://chelsea-rebecca.blogspot.com/ that I can’t wait to try! Super cute blog all around, go check it out!
The weather is incredible! So sunny and warm. I heart spring! (except the allergies. Always that.)
Last night I got to hang out with 3 of the cutest 8 kids I know and I get to do it again tonight!

1 comment:

  1. ohhh bubble gum is one of the best smells ever!!
    and target is my all time favorite!!!! so many cute clothes!!
