Saturday, April 10, 2010

Lilac Love

We have a lilac bush! At our house, we have a lilac bush! A big one! I noticed when I pulled up last night that I thought I smelled lilacs. I though one of our neighbors must have a bush. Today, we went outside to enjoy this gorgeous weather, and lo and behold, we have a lilac bush! It's on the side of our house and it is beautiful! It smells so good! It just started blooming, so I'm hoping next weekend, there will be some fully bloomed and I can bring them inside! They smell heavenly! Squee!!!! I'm so excited! Here I was getting ready to uy one and we already have one! I remember my parents lilac bush. When I was little, I loved to play in it. It was almost like 2 bushes that had grown together and made one big bush with a hole/clearing inside. I always thought it was a magical place. Now I have one of my own! I also have some sort of plant growing next to the house that looks like rhubarb! I don't think it is, but it is quite funny looking. I'm so excited to plant flowers in my flower bead! Look at me, I'm a regular housewife! Hehe. Well, off to the wedding!

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