Wednesday, April 21, 2010

whatever wendesday

Goodness I have been missing blogs lately! I had a post all ready to go yesterday but deleted. It was very personal and I guess I’m just not ready to put that out there yet. But I do have news. And wedding news at that! I have officially scheduled my dress shopping appointment! On Saturday May 1st at 10am I will be trying on wedding dresses! I’m going with my sisters and my mom and afterwards we are going to lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. I’m getting a bit excited about it, but don’t expect me to try on tons of dresses. I typically know what I like and once I find something I don’t change my mind.
Other than that, not much to report. Just living away! I am excited b/c we are going to see the original Nightmare on Elm Street at the drive in on April 30th! I can’t wait! I’m so exciiiited and I just can’t hiiiide it! Yup that’s right, Flashdance anyone? I started taking a new allergy medicine, the generic Zyrtec. It works better than any others I’ve tried, but I still don’t feel 100%. At least I don’t feel like a zombie anymore though. And I can almost breathe. I’ve also recently fell in love with gums from my past. Yes, gums. I always loved Juicy Fruit and I’ve been chewing it again recently. Also, Big Red and bubble gum flavored bubble gum! Yum! My niece loves it b/c she gets good flavored gum when she gets to chew Aunt Sarah’s gum! The only thing is, now my purse smells like fruity cinnamon! On a really weird note, I have lost a bit of last night from my memory. I remember getting into the shower. I remember shampooing my hair. Then…blank. The next thing I know I’m getting out of the shower! I must have conditioned my hair and washed mahself, b/c I’m clean and my hair wasn’t tangled, but I cannot remember! Eek! I’m getting old! Oh and by the by, Betty White is my hero. Love her! May 8th, Saturday Night Live, she’s on, check it out!

"Where there is age there is evolution, where there is life there is growth." - Anjelica Huston

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