Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wedding Stuff

Aack! I just realized we are a mere 7 1/2 months away and I have so much to do!!! At least all the big stuff is done. I can check locations, caterer, dj, and photographer off my list. I still don't have my dress (Eep!) and we still have to order the cake, and get all the decorations and then make the ones I'm making, and get the suits/tuxes, and finalize the music list, and....well you get the point. I just don't want to leave anything to the last minute. But this weekend, we'll file our taxes and with the return begins the wedding shopping. After we buy an air conditioner of course. Ohmygosh, I just remembered we have to print out all the invitations and make my bouquets....Gah! Must get started soon!

No, remain calm. Remember what Winnie the Pooh says:

“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”
Winnie the Pooh

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