Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Presidents Day

I had sooooo much fun last night! I am so glad that Dustin and Amber came over to hang out! It had been way to long! I'm praying for you guys to get good news tomorrow!

I woke up this morning, got Jon off to work, went back to bed for an hour, then got up and the water heater people came and fixed my water heater! Yea for hot showers! I then noticed that there was a LOT of snow outside. Sigh. I made it back to my sisters after 2 hours and 15 minutes on the road. Blech! At least I made it home safe! I have never seen that many slide offs and wrecks at one time!

I am now going to cuddle with my cats and watch some Friends. God I love this show! I miss this show. :(

Speaking of Friends, I have this thing that happens to me with tv shows. It happened again today, and it makes me believe that we should take our signs where we get them. So I was sitting here bumming out about being away from home for the rest of the week, specifically being away from Jon. The next episode of Friends that comes on ( I have all 10 seasons on dvd) is the one where Chandler moves to Tulsa. I was like, oh my gosh! I know it's silly, b/c they are a fictional couple, but it still made me feel better to see them be apart b/c of work. Yep, I'm a goober, but this happens to me all the time when I watch tv! An episode will come on and the content is relevant to what I am thinking about in my life. It's weird! And now I really am going to cuddle up with my cats and watch the rest of season 9. I am addicted.

"Welcome to the real world! It sucks! You're gonna love it!"- Monica from Friends

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