Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Things to do this summer

Since I am so ready for winter to be over (and who isn't?) I decided to make a list of things I want to do this summer.

1. go on a picnic
2. go camping
3. rent a rowboat
4. tour a cave/cavern
5. pick strawberries
6. see a movie at the drive in
7. teach Josh to ride a bike
8. swim...a lot
9. go on hikes
10. wash my car the old fashioned way
11. grill dinner at lest once a week
12. have a 4th of July cookout/party
13. play baseball with the Rhoades boys

I am so looking forward to summer

Onto another topic, I am feeling pretty crafty lately. I think I will tackle a wreath for the front door next. I have seen some pretty cool stuff on line and I'm trying to decide if I want to make one out of yarn or if I want to make one out of a photo frame. I will have to see which I decide on. I'll post pics once I finish whatever I decide on.
Oh, and I really need to catch up on my scrapbooking. I haven't even scrapped Christmas yet! I am WAY behind. Since it is -20 degrees outside (exaggerating, but not by much) I think I will start some of this this weekend...and make some soup. Nothing better on a cold day than soup. Mmm Mmm Good.

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