Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Hair Raising Post

Hehe. Like the pun? See I have this problem with my hair! I have recently started working out everyday (woot!) but my hair has become really dry. See I am normally a every other day hair washer, but now since I work out everyday, I have to wash my hair everyday. (TMI, but I get really sweaty so not washing the hair is not an option.) My hair has gotten really dry, which I knew would happen. I used to wash it every day but had to stop b/c it drys my hair out. Now without an option, what is a girl to do? Leave in conditioners tend to make my hair too oily. Sigh. Any suggestions? Maybe a deep conditioner once a week? Help me people of the interwebz, my hair depends on it! Oh on a side note, the Urban Decay Alice in Wonderland Pallette is sold out EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! I am so bummed! I don't even buy designer makeup, but being the Alice fan I am, I really wanted this! Sigh. Well I am off to Josh's game in a bit, so I'm gonna go get pretty! Enjoy your Saturday!

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