Saturday, February 6, 2010


Well, the registering didn't happen this weekend. We got quite a snow/ice/rain storm here in Seymour (actually most of IN got it in some form) so when we started to head out yesterday, the roads were just to bad to make the trip. They're fine now, but we really want to register on a Saturday so we aren't rushed.

Going to a Super Bowl party later this evening. Should just be family and a few close, pretty much they're family, friends. I'm making deviled egg dip and oreo truffles. We'll see how everybody likes them eh?

I am making a roast with carrots and potatoes for lunch. Hopefully this one turns out better than the last one. Blech! This time I did my own seasoning instead of using a season packet, so we should actually taste meat instead of feeling like we're licking a salt block.

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