Saturday, February 13, 2010

In case of a zombie apocalypse

In case of a zombie apocalypse, please remain calm. Locate a safe area. Safe areas can include, but are not limited to, top floors, places with only one point of entry, places with generators, places with few windows (unless you have boards to cover the windows). Do not attempt to leave the city for 3-5 days. Remain in your safe area, then attempt to leave and locate a remote area. Avoid large chain stores at all costs. You should already have your supplies stocked up. In preparation for a zombie apocalypse, complete the following tasks:

make sure every member of your party has a prepacked kit including a change of clothes and any medications they need
learn how to make bread from scratch
learn how to farm
make a collection of seeds and raw materials for planting
get a milk cow
a container with at least 3 tanks of gasoline
bicycles for each member of your party (as a back up transportation)
stock up on canned foods, water, flour, yeast, first aid items, guns and ammo, candles, lighters, blankets, and boxed foods

Thank you and enjoy your zombie apocalypse.

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